Saturday, 30 September 2017

Plan for research


28th - deconstruction of film trailer
29th - additional research 


3rd - audience research 
4th - poster deconstruction and film magazine research
5th - deconstruction
6th - additional research
10th - deconstruction of film magazine front cover
12th - camera work 
13th - poster deconstruction
17th - poster research
18th - film magazine deconstruction/research 
19th - overview/script

Friday, 29 September 2017

Introduction to A2

The Task for A2
My task this year will is to make a movie trailer for a film, with the two ancillary tasks of a poster for the film and a film magazine front cover featuring the film. I have chosen this as I feel that a trailer best suits me and I haven't done it before so will be a new experience. Also, the two ancillary tasks I have experience with so I will be able to use that when making them as I know what makes them successful and effective.

Reflecting on last years work
Last year I feel that I worked well, but with this experience of blogger, making a short film and a magazine has developed my skills and my work this year will be better because of this. Also, last year I was quite slow to start and I will learn from this and better it this year as I feel that hindered how good my work was last year, as last year I was still doing a lot of the research and planning while I needed to get on with the production part and gave me less time to do it which I feel could have affected how good my magazine looked. Also just in general I know how to work more efficiently because of last years work and this will make this year's much better as I now have more skills and knowledge of media, for example the editing of my evaluation took a long time as I had never used it before but now that I have it will be much quicker meaning I can make it look better and have more time to be used on other parts of the task.

Being media literate
Media literate is having the knowledge and skills to understand and know to create media in all of its forms. Having been a media student for over a year now I feel that I have become media literate and this sets me out from people who are not studying media as I feel that I have more knowledge than them of how to make a product look more professional as I know the forms and conventions of a number of media areas, which they would not have this experience and knowledge.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Genre theorists

David Buckingham

Image result for david buckingham
  • His theory suggests that genre is always changing depending on the ideology of the public is constantly changing
  • He also believes childhood was created and never used to be a thing
  • Genre is more developed than before
  • Believes that media reflects the bad and negativity in the world
This applies to my production as I need to be aware of the always changing public and what their ideology includes as this is rapidly changing.

Steve Neale
  • Genre is instances of repetition and difference and differences are essential to the economy of genre
  • Neale declared that genre is constituted by "specific systems of expectations and hypotheses which spectators bring with them to the cinema and which interact with the films themselves during the course of the viewing process"
  • Believes that Hollywood's generic regime performs two inter-related functions; guarantee meanings and pleasures audience and to offset the considerable economic risks of industrial film productions by providing cognitive collateral against innovation and difference
This theory links to my production as I need to make sure my trailer has both differences and repetition of the horror genre to ensure I appeal to my target audience. I also need to make sure that my trailer perform these two inter-related functions but I can take the economic risks as there is no money to be lost. 

Rick Altman

  • Research interests - Hollywood genres, the musical, film theory, narrative theory
  • Semantic approach - concerned with the conventions of the genre that communicate to the audience eg; location of horror to be in a big, old house
  • Syntactic approach - concerned with the relationship between these elements and the structure of narratives in genres eg; in horror we expect it start off quite calm and gradually develop the eeriness of the film
This theory heavily applies to my production as I need to make sure I am aware of both of these approaches, although I do need to go against them in some instances to make my production unique and interesting.

David Chandler
  • Genres can become too restricted to all the conventions allocated with them
  • Most genres overlap and states that the forms and conventions disappear when the two genres hybridise 
  • His overall view is that genre is done to create order and simplify the masses of information that is available in production
  • Creating these genres applies to our needs to organise chaos - humans hate mess and things with no order
This theory is important because I can now make sure that I am not too restricted in my genre by making mine different but also sticking to the overall genre characteristics. It is also useful because it has taught me that I do not have to necessarily stick to one genre just to make sure I appeal to my target audience.

These theories will be very useful for all the parts of my production as it has given me new knowledge and perspectives over what genre is about, which can aid me in targeting my audience through the things I do to appeal to them and suit my genre.